Along with spring comes the return of one of my favorite activities.
I've been accused of having some sort of sick love for hanging out clothes. In all honesty, I enjoy it more than I can explain, and certainly more than anyone should love a household "chore". It's not a chore to me, it is a delight. (It doesn't matter if you think I'm weird.) In His wisdom, God made provision for this by putting me with a husband who rarely complains about anything; he's never made even a peep about the crunchy towels which are stocked in the bathroom from April through October each year. Granted, they certainly don't feel as nice. In my opinion, however, the heavenly smell of laundry which has been dried outside more than makes up for its lack of softness. This goes for sheets too, and jeans (which are ultra-crunchy when line dried), and virtually everything else, except for whites. Even I draw the line at crunchy underwear.
When I explained my love for hanging out clothes to a friend awhile back, she gave it a try, even though she was less-than-excited about it. I soon received an urgent email. It was apparently a windy day; her unmentionables had ended up in the neighbor's yard, and she didn't know what to do. "Well, GO GET THEM!", I responded. My goodness! A good rule-of-thumb is that you don't hang out anything that would make you blush if your neighbor found it lying in his yard. We have dryers for a reason.
Onto other news:
I've been wondering how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Since winter, Matt has found his own joy in cutting wood. LOTS of wood. The original plan was to supplement our income by selling the wood. First problem--we don't exactly start turning a profit until the super-manly-top-of-the-line, "more power" chainsaw is paid off. Second problem--he needs to actually part with the wood in order to receive any cash for it.
Right now, as it has for weeks, it decorates our driveway, neatly stacked. (If he could only be so diligent about his dresser drawers.) It's my suspicion that he just enjoys looking at his "accomplishment" so much that he has yet to even advertise the fact that he has wood for sale. As for me, I'm thinking the wood stacked in our drive just makes us really fit into our surroundings here in southern Darke County.
Did I mention we have wood for sale?
One other thing to bring up today: It is rather eerie that people I haven't seen in years, people who I've run into here or there, have informed me that they've been reading my blog. May I just say, hopefully without offending anyone, that this is a little creepy. Not that I've talked to anyone in particular who's given me the creeps, but rather just the fact that people are "out there" reading and I don't know it.
(Secret silent blog-readers, now that I know you're out there, I dare you to leave a comment!)
Because of this, I've concluded that this blog will, from here on out, be only for pretty generic stuff. While certainly I haven't exactly spilled my guts in the past, I'm definitely not going to now. I have pretty much come to the conclusion that I don't really have any new thoughts anyways; nothing profound; nothing somebody else hasn't already said somewhere before. So, for now, I guess all I have to contribute to the public blogosphere is crunchy clothes and a pile of wood.
PSSSST..... I read your blog! LOL!
I am also surprised at how many blog readers that I have. A LOT of people will come up to me and comment, but have never left a comment. I do not mind, but it does make me wonder, "who all reads it?". But, it is open for a reason, and one of the reasons is to glorify God, and maybe, entertainment, since I can be a total doh-doh head! LOL!
ps, got those running shoes warmed up yet?
I'm right with you on the love of hanging my laundry outside...even unmentionables and whites (it makes them whiter). But I've never thought of it as a "sick love"; I prefer to call it a "healthy love"! :)Yay to yummy smelling clothes!
Janal~Thanks for letting me in on that! haha
The "running shoes", aka "walking shoes" are only active when it is above 50 degrees and not raining! It is hard for me to be consistent, especially in the spring weather. Still thinking about it...
Margie~Only somebody who doesn't have understand people like us would call it "sick". It is one of those things people seem to either love or hate. Kind of like gardening, cooking, etc. I think those things are sick. :)
Missed you and Jerald last night. Not the same without you!
oh, i have been hanging the towels out every nice day we've had in the past month! (not many, sadly) because i love the smell too. my sheets are out there now.
as for the towel crunchy-ness, we just throw them in the drying for 15 minutes after taking them off the line, and they get a little softer but still smell just as wonderful :)
uf! that's what i get for not previewing my comment before publishing.....
Thanks for the tip.
And as for the typo, here's a tip for you: if you don't point it out, most people won't notice it. :)
I know, I know, you're saying, "But I notice it."
By the way, I did catch a booboo in my previous comment, but I'm not pointing it out. :)
yeah- it IS scary not knowing who visits your blog! I like you... 'cause you almost ALWAYS comment on mine =)
In my childhood days, they were called hard towels, although 'crunchy' is a fabulous term. I guess I still dont think it's too fabulous to dry with a hard towel... I still use the dryer. But I DO hang out my pillows and blankets to de-dust them! Love the fresh smell!
The only things worse than crunchy towels are stiff jeans.
I love to hang things out too.
by the way, the blogosphere is by nature public domain. one always has to be aware that anyone can read it - unless you change your settings so that only those who are invited can read. always keep your potential audience in mind. (the english teachers' rule for any kind of writing prep)
i guess being in a job that invites public scrutiny has made me more aware that i'm being watched :)
That's why I referred to the "public" blogosphere; I have discovered the joy of totally "secret" blogging.
And you know the odd thing, I still use spellcheck and double check my grammar even though no one else on the planet will ever read it. :)
ah, i guess i missed that detail ;)
and i have the same obsession with correct spelling and grammar - but you probably already figured that out!
I guess I should fess up and leave a comment. I found your blog several months ago somehow, and 1) find it encouraging and 2) hilarious, because the Stephens kids ARE HILARIOUS!!! :D
<>< morgan {erin's gym teacher from co-op}
Thanks for outing yourself! I enjoyed a quick trip through your blog(s) and feel like I know you now. :) Keep up the creativity.
Thanks! I didn't want to creep you out by saying at co-op "hey, I saw the funny picture of Gabe with his pants yanked up to his shoulders...have a good week!" :D Probably should might have needed a laugh!
I’m afraid I must validity the assumption that unknown people read your blog (and accept your dare). :) I was searching for the lyrics to “Two Hands” (which was on a blog above yours) and then kind of got side tracked reading….and then I decided that I had to comment on your line
“I have pretty much come to the conclusion that I don't really have any new thoughts anyways; nothing profound; nothing somebody else hasn't already said somewhere before.”
I remember reading a literature assignment in high school (I don’t remember what it was called now) and it said something along the lines that the geniuses are the ones who go ahead with their ideas. They don’t assume that someone else has already thought of it. That what make them geniuses, they don’t bother conforming to the world. (and that’s why we are here isn’t it? To not conform?) So everyone out there who has given up on something because they decided someone else must have already thought of it….well….you need to rethink it because God made us all different and no one will think of everything you do.
PS line dried clothes are the best
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