He brought it to the breakfast table this morning to admire while eating his cereal.
Erin, showing off her vast knowledge of Halloween/Fall decorations, looks at it thoughtfully and says, "Mom, we oughta carve a jack-ass!"
"Um, I think you mean 'jack-o-lantern', dear."
So much for "dear, sweet innocence" . . . :) :)
The funny thing is, she honestly didn't know she had the wrong word; she REALLY IS innocent! :)
Zeke is obsessed with rhyming words, and several weeks ago, went through the alphabet rhyming things with "duck." When he got to "F", he said, "Mom, is that a word?" To which I simply replied, "Nope", not wanting to make an issue of it at the time. It's funny the things kids say without even realizing it!
BTW, missed you at church this morning . . . I hope no one is sick.
Good thinking! It's just a matter of time, though...Isaac learned that word when he was just learning to sound out words and read a little. Wouldn't you know he found it carved into the top of the slide at the playground in Gordon. He sounded it out and was so proud of himself! :) Then I had to tell him its not a nice word and he wasn't allowed to say it ever again!
Thanks for missing us. As a matter of fact, the flu is making its way through our family at present. Isaac was first, now its Erin and Gabe. Hopefully (PLEASE, LORD!) it stops there!
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