Monday, April 5, 2010

Why isn't this getting easier?

For the past several years, I've attempted to snap a picture of the kids before church on Resurrection Sunday. I was under the assumption that picture-taking would get easier as they grow older, but progress is desperately slow. I have one child whose eyes automatically go red and itchy as soon as anyone breaks out a camera, one child who can not smile and keep his eyes open at the same time, three children who have extreme difficulty coming up with a natural smile. Though they will probably never win any awards in the photegenic department, (nor their mother in the photography department) these are priceless to me:







Janal said...

Loved how you included pictures from the past, and in the same spot! You have beautiful children!

Nortons said...

I think they're great (the pics AND the kids!). : ) I am severely impressed that you have kept your piano in the same spot that long. I have a rearranging disorder.

Unknown said...

They looked adorable on Sunday! (as always) :)

Anonymous said...

I love the pics . . . I bet the kids get a kick out of looking at past years (or they will someday!) I got a big chuckle out of the 2006 photo. How in the world did you get pants to stay on Isaac back then?? :)

(I can't get this thing to post so I went anonymous)

Kati said...

Thanks to skinny-genes from his dad, the poor little guy has had a life-long war with keeping pants up. Sure wish somebody would invent the super-super slims!