Saturday, June 14, 2008

The Jesus Storybook Bible

The Jesus Storybook Bible
Every story whispers his name
by Sally Lloyd-Jones

I first learned about this book on Danny's blog a couple weeks ago. Being a sucker for taking a recommendation from a pastor, I immediately got on Amazon and ordered it. It came several days ago and the kids and I have had a chance to read from it several times. At risk of looking like a sap, I'll admit that I've cried every time we've read from it. (The kids always look at me a little weird.) The author clearly has a gift for writing God's timeless truths in a fresh way. What I love, (and I realize is the whole point of the book), is how every story is loaded with JESUS. Even the Old Testament stories point us directly to God's original plan from the very beginning--our need for a Savior. Even if you don't have small children, I think its worth the ten bucks or so to have for just for yourself. I'll admit, I've already learned so much about relating the OT stories to Christ--stuff I had just never connected before.

I'm writing this because, if I had seen this book in a bookstore among a hundred other children's Bibles, I doubt it would've stuck out to me as anything out of the ordinary. (Not that I'm calling God's Word "ordinary", but you know what I mean.) And I hope it isn't too risky to recommend a book before I've read the whole thing. You see, we haven't exactly gotten past the Tower of Babel yet. Erin and Gabe keep requesting the same first few pages over and over again. They love it! I'm really excited that my kids are enjoying the Bible, but I'm really itching to read on!! Also, how awesome is it that I've "caught" Isaac reading from it on his own several times!! At his age, he refuses to be read to anymore, so its getting harder and harder to force any certain books on him. Praise God, He is voluntarily picking up God's Word to read it for himself!


Jodi Bradshaw said...

We got that Bible for Owen about 3 months ago. Obviously, he is not at the place yet to understand but after looking through LOTS of Children's Bibles we thought that one was the best (it ACTUALLY covers the gospel - imagine that)!

I love how each story always comes back to Christ! I cannot wait to be able to read this to our son.

Charity said...

This Bible is a bedtime favorite at our house. I agree with Jodi's comment - we love that it presents the bigger picture of the gospel with each story. After buying about 3 kids' Bibles that were just OK, this one has been so refreshing. It's really cool that Isaac has been reading it - I've wondered how appealing it will be once the kids are a little older.

Anonymous said...

i went to buy this book (based on everyone's recommendations) over the weekend for my great-niece who will soon be two, but neither of the christian book stores had it in stock. i guess i'll have to order it online and send it. sounds wonderful!