Tuesday, November 18, 2008

"Christian" Music

As I was driving today listening to K Love, a song came on that sounded eerily like one I might hear on a secular country station. Honestly, I checked the dial on my radio two or three times and fiddled with it quite a bit, while trying to figure out how it had gotten switched. It hadn't been switched after all, but I wasn't convinced until the song finally ended and the K Love announcer came on again. It made me so furious I immediately came home, looked up the lyrics online, and then sent an email to K Love requesting that they take another look at the lyrics and decide whether or not the song is worthy of Christian radio air-time. In my opinion, a song that only casually mentions God, Jesus, or "someone up there" doesn't do justice to our Savior. With all the awesome, God-glorifying songs out there today, do you think they ought to waste airwaves playing THIS?

"I Wish" by Point of Grace

I wish I didn't feel so helpless
I wish I didn't act so selfish
I wish I didn't wring my hands night and day
My hair was a little bit smoother
My jeans fit a little bit looser
And I always knew the right things to say
And I wish I wouldn't hide what's been going on inside
And I wish you wouldn't get scared and run away

I wish I was doing better
With all the things that matter,
I guess I got some learning to do
I wish everyone had someone
To hold em and to love em
The way I'm always gonna love you
I wish wishes came true

I wish there was a cure for cancer
I wish somebody had an answer
And all God's children never got hurt
I wish Eve never bit that apple
Young men never went to battle
And I didn't get so mad at the world
I wish I was more like Jesus
And could pick up all the pieces
And make a better life for my baby girl


For everything I am wishing
I know someone up there is listening
So I say my prayers when I go to bed
Ahh, ahh, ahh
Oh pray my wishes come true


I know wishes come true
I wish, I wish

For whatever my opinion's worth, SHAME ON YOU, Point of Grace, for stooping to a new low! (I had already boycotted them after "How You Live", but this is getting ridiculous!)

And shame on K Love, for playing this garbage.

I'll let you know if/when I get a response to my email.


Margaret said...

which is exactly why i stopped listening to klove a while back...first of all, they play the same songs over and over and over again...most of what they play isn't exactly theologically great...often there is no mention of God, Jesus, etc.; it's more like it's "understood". not worthy of my time.

Anonymous said...

There is nothing like the old hymns, I say! In fact, the hymnal is one of the best devotional books around, in my opinion. I agree with everything you wrote!

A Women's Bible teacher introduced a group of us to some of the music of Terry MacAlmon. It is SO worshipful. I just got the CD "The Glory of His Presence." Some of the songs have moved me and my friends to tears.

Marilyn (Charity's mom)

Anonymous said...

i'm thinking "garbage" might be a bit too strong. (i chaperone high school dances. i know garbage) it's definitely "fluff", though. no substance, no inspiration, no real message of hope. i haven't heard Point of Grace for years now, so i hadn't realized just how much they'd watered down their messages. are most of their songs like this now?

unfortunately so much of so-called christian music is over-commercialized (including the praise/worship music) and it's depressing. on the upside - it provides many opportunities for practicing discernment.

Kati said...

Oh, I know Dee. I was a bit peeved (in case you couldn't tell) when I wrote that. "Garbage" is relative. I wouldn't think twice if I heard this song playing on a secular station. In fact, I might even notice the "positive message". However, the standard SHOULD be SO different for a station that claims to be Christian. This song just doesn't make the cut.

Matt and I used to consider ourselves Point of Grace fans back in the 90's. Their music has changed so much lately, though. Very watered down messages--it's almost like the songs are written with the intent to "cross-over" into secular music.

It just makes me sad to see this happen to once-solid Christian artists.

Jodi Bradshaw said...

If you are looking for real Christian music you should try Sovereign Grace. They have awesome worship!!! We do many of their songs at church but I totally recommend the Psalms CD (you can only buy them online). They are pretty much like modern day hymns.
Good stuff!!

Margaret said...

i second that, jodi. we got nicole 2 of their cds for her bday...great music!

Charity said...

I've been particularly disappointed with a lot of "Christian" Christmas music lately - a lot of it speaks vaguely about "love" or focuses on Mary, with only a nod to Christ Himself. I'm ashamed that these are songs I used to sing without a thought to their (lack of) content . . . not much more than spiritual cotton candy: sticky and sweet but completely void of substance. Along with Jodi and Margaret, I love Sovereign Grace music, and have also really enjoyed the Getty CDs.

Kati said...

Thanks for the suggestions, girls. I do have one of the SG CD's and will plan to get some more. What is really irritating is that, since I wrote this post, I've become even MORE CRITICAL of the stuff I'm hearing. Which I guess is really a good thing, but it is frustrating because I'm discovering more and more of the music I've been listening to is very shallow spiritually.

Like was said at Communion Sunday night, PRAISE GOD, He has graciously protected the Message in the music we've been singing at church! This is one of the reasons I LOVE our church! It is about the TRUTH, not just feel-good music.

Shaun said...

I agree with you ladies on so-called christian music, and the lack of the gospel in it. Music is an act of communication to their audience, and should reflect the artist thoughts. Our thoughts should always be lifted to the Lord, but is it? When we communicate to other people are we clearly presenting the Gospel in front of them? We are called to evangelize,and music should sing songs of praise to Him. In our flesh we along with the artist fail to communicate the Gospel and tend to water it down to please our audience. Thanks for the post ladies! It made me realize that I water down the Gospel, or do not even mention the Gospel to the audience that the Lord puts in front of me everyday.

Anonymous said...

Great Blog! Check out this new Christian band that just released their first album. From what I heard on the samples site, they sound really good.

Introducing the new Christian National Anthem: Guns & Jesus.