Friday, February 20, 2009

Mother Bear Returns


Playboy is still after us with their postcards. Isaac was the one sent to fetch the mail this morning, thus introducing him to the world of porn. I am sick.

So, this time I made a phone call. My friendly operator seemed quite nonchalant regarding my concerns. I suppose they are well trained to handle such calls. I was disappointed, yet not surprised, that she was "unable" to tell me where Playboy secures the names for its mailing list. Well, at least she was able to wish me a "nice day" at the end of our conversation.

Am I insane to be this angry? I'm not unaware of the evils of the world we live in. I just don't want it in my house.

With all my ranting and raving this morning, I found myself wishing out loud that Jesus would come for us today. Happy to say, my son agreed with me.


Amanda said...

Praying for you guys right now!

I talked with a missionary family from Romania a few months ago, and I asked them about the culture shock when they first arrived. The first thing the parents mentioned (they have 4 children, including a then 11 yo boy) was the promiscuity of the advertisements, billboards, etc. They thought it was bad here until they went there. They said that what we would consider pornography is allowed to be right out in the open on billboards and signs.

So, do what you can to keep things like this from happening, but PRAY fervently that God would guard our children's little hearts from being lured by anything lesser than Christ! Because, unfortunately, it is getting harder and harder to guard their eyes.

Kati said...

It makes me want to cry to think of it becoming any worse, yet I know it will. God has told us that. Oh, how I long for Heaven!

I am praying EXACTLY what you're saying--that Christ will be more appealing to my children than the lures of sin.

Thanks, Amanda. And by the way, I actually tried to comment on your blog this morning and a couple times before, but I've not been able to get past the verification. I've tried using my google ID and also anonymously, and neither works. Is it just me? Any suggestions?

JanAl said...

Kati~ Amanda told me that she has blocked you from her blog. JK, LOL!

Be thankful that you do not live in California. It is seriously on every corner, in every window, and always in your face!

Amanda said...

Other people comment, so I'm not sure. But I'll take all my computer genius with me and check it out. That should help. ;)

Amanda said...

I changed one setting, you can check and see if that works... probably not! :)

Margaret said...

something to be thankful for is that pornography in america isn't even close to the european countries.

we have found with our own kids that it's best to be proactive about this kind of thing. talk to them quietly and calmly and it's never too early. if we are excited and anxious, it will only make them more curious as to what, exactly, we are all worked up about.

unfortunately, yes, it is a part of our culture that needs to be addressed with our kids, but i truly believe that there are other things that might be able to damage our children more emotionally than this. (that statement comes with some qualifications, i suppose) :)