Thursday, August 13, 2009

Just pretend with me...

It's your 15th wedding anniversary and your husband comes home and tells you to come outside with him and look in the driveway. Oh, you're in suspense now, aren't you?

So you walk outside with him and he directs you to the back of his truck where there sits a very large box. It is a huge piece of exercise equipment.

Should you assume he's trying to tell you something?

Or should you assume he's the sweetest husband on earth?

I choose the latter. :)


Diana said...

Awwww. Its your treadmill isn't it? Tell me its your treadmill? Matt rocks!! :)

JanAl said...

Treadmill~I am thinking????????

This should be posted on Victory Road, with some added news about the next 5k you are training for! ;]

and yes, what a sweet husband!!!!!!

Kati said...

Oh, you girls are close. We were playing on an elliptical a few days ago and I mentioned that I thought it would give a better workout than a treadmill, so he took matters into his own hands and.....I SHALL NOT GAIN 10 POUNDS THIS WINTER!!! YAYYYYY!

And, as for the "next 5k", I told Kelly V I'd be happy to WALK one with her! :)

JanAl said...

btw~ Happy anniversary!!!!

Ellipticals are very nice! They give you a great workout, without the impact, and that is almost what I guessed, but not sure.
Also, I am going to do another 5k this Fall, not sure which one, but I might make a decision soon(if I hear from anyone about a preference, if not, I will choose one to do by myself), if you are interested, let me know, you do NOT have to run 5k's!!!!!!!!!

Dee said...

that really IS sweet that he heard your desire and acted on it.

and if you ever want a walking partner, i LOVE to walk (especially in the cool mornings and sometimes in a cool evening) and would gladly work out a place and time with you....or anyone else. it gets lonely going by myself all the time :( (anyone feeling sorry for me yet?)

Charity said...

What a thoughtful gift! And I agree - I'd rather work out on an elliptical than a treadmill any day.

Happy Anniversary!!

Margaret said...

Good choice, Kati!