Thursday, April 24, 2008

Chase What Matters

Yes, call me crazy--Two posts in one day!! I can't let this one go any longer. For weeks now, I've been driving through Philipsburg and the sign for the Chase Bank branch just eats away at me. "CHASE WHAT MATTERS IN YOUR LIFE." Should I expect anything different from the world? I doubt the person who came up with that slogan had on his/her mind spiritual things. It just bugs the tar out of me that the bank would try to imply that "what matters" in my life can be found by coming in and taking advantage of their newest refinance offer. The thing is--sometimes I'm tempted. Just the other day Matt and I were discussing how a $50,000 check falling from the sky would make our lives a whole lot easier. Granted, we both threw in there a "spiritual" comment to make it sound like we were kidding. But deep down, I think our flesh really does think it would make life better. My Spirit, on the other hand, knows exactly what MATTERS, and regardless of how hard I look, it won't be found inside a bank.

I press on (chase) toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 3:14


Margaret said...

whoa kati... :-) I'm still trying to digest your earlier post! I've been thinking about it all day...maybe I'll comment on it later.

Charity said...

Well, if God sent $50,000 my way, I certainly wouldn't complain . . . but along those lines, I find myself continually tempted to want just a little bit more. The funny thing is, when God gives me that little bit more, I just start wanting. . .. a little bit MORE! In light of this, it makes perfect sense that Paul says "godliness with contentment is great gain" (I Tim. 6:6). He has already lavished on me more than enough, but as you pointed out in your last post, it's a daily battle.