Wednesday, August 13, 2008

14 Years Ago Today................

.........the two kids you see before you were linked for life in the bond called marriage. At 18 and 20, we had NO IDEA what we were in for. Looking back at this picture, I am truly amazed at all that's happened in the past 14 years. First of all, I feel too young to be able to say I've been married that long. And I honestly can not believe how much God has changed us during this time. I am not the same person I was in that picture. Neither is Matt. Since the fateful wedding day all those years ago, God has been gracious enough to allow us to experience so much......

We have experienced the ecstasy of being young and married and crazy about each other.

We have experienced the reality of adjusting to life once "the honeymoon was over".

We have experienced the adventure of building a house together.

We have experienced the challenges of combining two separate backgrounds, full of differences in personalities, ideas, habits, and traditions, and out of that, building a single life and home together.

We have shared in the wonder, joy, and all-out fear that comes with being parents.

We have experienced the weariness of sleepless nights, crying babies, puking children, and trips to the ER.

We have experienced what it means to put our children in God's hands.

We have experienced rock-bottom together.

We have experienced healing together.

We have learned to trust God together.

We have learned that love is not a feeling.

We have both learned that each of us is married to a sinner.

We have learned to forgive.

We have learned what it means to stay married because God says it's right, not because we feel like it.

We have been pleasantly surprised to find out that, even after three children, all the activity of life, and all that we've been through, when we are alone together we still genuinely like each other.

We have experienced the awe of knowing we are among God's chosen.

We have learned to accept the fact that we are both individual works in progress, and that our marriage is a work in progress.

Fourteen years ago I was under the assumption that the purpose of marriage was to bring us happiness. God has used these years to teach me the Truth--that the purpose of marriage is to transform us both into the image of Christ, to exalt Him in everything we do, and to give us a glimpse of the Profound Mystery--Christ's love for His Church.

I am grateful He's opened my eyes to the Truth. May God give us the grace to stand firm as He finishes this work.


brother_barabbas said...

Congrats and Happy Anniversary!!

We hit our 14 yr mark this year also, and I echo much of what you said.


Anonymous said...

aw, happy anniversary! those are great lessons! and what a blessing it is to your children that you are eternally committed to "working out what God is working in." (Phil. 2:12-13)

Margaret said...

hey, you two...Happy Anniversary! Isn't it amazing what God can do with two people. We were 18 & 20 when we got married too, and WE DID NOT HAVE A CLUE! :)

We love both of you so much! God's blessings on your day!

Anonymous said...

I am sooo thankful for the hope I see in your marriage. Praise the Lord for all He has done, and is going to do in your future. Thank You for your Christ-like-example, in your marriage, especially when we live in a world that wants us to fail.

Jessi said...

awww, Kati~ We have been so blessed by having you both as friends! Thank you for sharing a part of your life (i know it's hard) but so wonderful to read! Thanks Kati :)

Oh, by the way, you have NOT aged a bit! I love you, sister!

Kati said...

Thanks, Jessi.

(How much do I owe you for that comment? :)

Charity said...

Wow - I thought we'd been married a long time!! :-)

I love what you said about you both realizing that you're married to a sinner, and learning to forgive. That earthly marriage is part of a bigger picture - the mystery of Christ and the church. But for the grace of God . . . Wonderful post, Kati.

Jessi said...

Kati~ now your getting into what John Piper likes to call "debtor's ethic" which is someone trying to pay back someone else out of gratitude.
Because of God's grace we are to accept His gift of grace and salvation,and have faith that He will always provide and be faithful to us according to His word!

Now, back to your owe nothing. I think our friendship is from an answered prayer! (?)

Just accept the fact that i REALLY enjoy being around you!

I Love you sister!

Jessi said...

Oh, by-the-way~ Shaun thinks that BOTH of you still look the same! I thought Matt looks grown up now, but Shaun disagrees. I'm sure matt will like to hear that!

Kati said...

1) There is something ingrained inside me that wants to "pay back" people when they've done something for me. I never knew it had a fancy name. :)

2)Our friendship IS answered prayer, no "?" about it. :)

3)I'll tell Matt that Shaun thinks he's immature. :)

Rod and Sara said...

HAPPY HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Thanks for being an example to us... we still "have no clue"!

Kati said...

You are so humble, Sara girl. You have WAY more of a clue than I did at your age. I count it a privelege to call you my friend.