I had been thinking recently about posting on modesty anyways, then today I visited our church's blog, where our pastor had posted a link to an article on modesty by C.J. Mahaney. This blog gives excerpts from a his yet-to-be-released book,
Worldliness: Resisting the Seduction of a Fallen World. Wow!! Really good article--take the time to read at:
http://sovgracemin.org/Blog/post/Worldliness-Resisting-the-Seduction-of-a-Fallen-World-CJ-Mahaney.aspx I was aching to leave a comment right there on the church blog that people (especially women) should read the WHOLE article, and not just the section on fathers teaching their daughters modesty, as was suggested. But I realized I had way too much to say than could be left in a comment.
Modesty has always been a huge issue for me. There is NO self-righteousness in saying that. By "issue", I mean I've struggled with it A LOT over the years. As with everything else, it seems another example of the battle between the flesh and the Spirit. When I read the above article, (and I'm not exaggerating here) my heart was beating so hard I could feel it in my whole body. This shows how much I've wrestled with the issue. Through the years I've read books on modesty, and prayed much that God would give me the right heart when I dress (and when I shop). I have seriously considered many times setting up "restrictions" for myself regarding my dress. (Such as choosing to wear ONLY skirts or dresses). However, my desire is not to resort to any form of legalism in order to "protect myself" from sin. I am aware that sin begins in the HEART, and what a person wears may or may not reflect what is in the heart. So, I guess I've concluded that protecting myself by setting up rules wouldn't do a thing to guard my heart. It must be an intentional decision, DAILY, to honor God, and to help protect my brothers from sin when I choose my dress.
Without any system of "rules", though, it presents a problem whenever preparing to go outside the house. Modesty is quite relative. How short is too short? How tight is too tight? And so on. I've struggled in particular with whether or not its appropriate to wear pants at all. I don't care for the way I look in "baggy" pants. Therefore, the only other option is pants that form closely to the body. Because of this, I've resolved so many times that only dresses or skirts would be appropriate for me to wear outside the house. Usually I stick with my "resolution" for a day or two. Then I rationalize that its too legalistic, too impractical (I'd have to buy many new clothes and we can't afford it), or I see other women (whom I respect and consider godly) wearing pants, so I reason, "What's the big deal?", I give up my resolve, and you'll see me walking around in jeans again. So, what do you think?
Here's another aspect: How do you, with grace, approach a sister who is dressing immodestly? In the article, Mahaney warns us to "be on guard against the temptation to be self-righteous toward those who choose differently". (He is specifically talking about wedding attire in this instance, but I think it applies to dress in general.) While I consider this good advice, isn't it our responsibility to encourage an immodestly dressed sister to consider how her dress is affecting the man sitting behind her in church? Once again, I remind you that I'm not speaking as if I'm the perfect example of modesty. I still struggle. Tell me what's appropriate. And PLEASE love me enough to gently point me to Christ if you ever see me dressing to please men and not our Lord.
I would appreciate comments on this one. This is a huge issue for us as sisters in Christ and I think we need to talk more about it.