Thursday, May 15, 2008

Childlike Faith Comes to an End at............9?

I was hoping we wouldn't ever have to visit this place. Today my 9 yr old son uttered words that absolutely GRIEVED my heart. "But Mom, how do I know the Bible's true? How do we know those bunch of guys didn't just get together and make it up?" And later, upon my asking him if he really loved Jesus and wanted to please Him, "Well, I don't really know. It just doesn't seem like very".

In trying to do everything I can to train him up in the Lord, I recently added a Bible curriculum to his schoolwork "load". He is less than impressed, to say the least. For him it's just MORE WORK. I have sat down with him numerous times and tried to tell him my HEART on this; that Mom is not doing this just to make him miserable, or just to add to his workload and make it take longer. But that the FIRST, the ONLY, desire of my heart for him is to learn to love the Lord. I've explained to him that his other subjects, when it comes right down to it, aren't that important, because they're not ETERNAL. But learning the Bible, God's Word revealed to us, is the only thing that's going to prepare him for eternity. So, of course, his response then is, "Then why do I have to do schoolwork if it won't matter in heaven?" I knew that was coming. "Well, because you have to learn things to survive on this earth in order to serve God the way He wants you to HERE. And oh yeah, you'll need to be able to support your wife and children someday." It doesn't take him long, "But nobody's going to ask me to divide words into syllables before they give me a job!" Though I didn't admit it to him, he makes a good point and I'm just as confused as he is.

Can anyone tell me what happened to my LITTLE BOY???? It looks to me as if the era of "childlike faith" is giving way to the age of accountability. I am fighting FEAR here. Fear that I'm falling short. Fear that I'm not praying hard enough. Fear that the Holy Spirit isn't powerful enough to save him from the lures of this world. God forgive me!!

I've recently reached the point in my prayers for my children that I truly pray first and foremost for their salvation. Health, safety, protection from painful circumstances, happy future marriages, clear direction for their vocations: these things I still hope for my children. But I truly, TRULY desire only that God use WHATEVER He has to in order to bring them to saving faith in Him. If we must go through years of rebellion to get there, so be it. (and God HELP us!!) As long as the END is a good one, that's all that matters, right?

...being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. Philippians 1:6

I'm counting on it.


Margaret said...

Oh Kati...he sounds like a NORMAL child! In fact, every child SHOULD ask those questions at some point. They have to develop their OWN faith, not depend on yours. His faith isn't coming to an end; it's just beginning! How exciting is that?! You might ask him why it doesn't seem like much fun to please Jesus. You know, children learn so much from observing us as parents. Do they see us having fun serving Jesus?

Now about the school, my high schoolers STILL bellyache about certain subjects, especially boys and grammar! They are constantly telling me they will never have to do this or that. My response has unwaveringly been, "You never know where God's going to take you. You might very well have to know how to 'divide words into syllables', but even if you don't, who wants to grow up to be a hayseed?" The other thing I emphasize is that some things are just required and it never hurts to learn some responsibility, even in the small things.

I am a FIRM believer that Bible should be the first thing the kids do in the morning. If nothing else, it builds good habits. They haven't always liked a particular curriculum and I've always tried to work with them to come up with something they enjoy doing. Bible study shouldn't be drudgery.

I'm a pretty hard-nosed Mom when it comes to school. It's required, it's state law, it's life, it's reality...get over it and get it done! :-)

I know that you know, Kati, that it's not how HARD you's just that you DO pray; and I know you do! I think you are a fine mother and you are raising children to THINK, because that's exactly how you are. It's a good thing, although when our kids think, it challenges us...which is a good thing, I suppose.

You are absolutely right; it IS the end that matters, but because of everything we've shared with you about our kids, you know it's not an easy road! Watching your kids go through life's bumps and potholes isn't an easy thing to do.

Please know how very much I love you and support you! You are amazing!

Kati said...

You are an encouragement, Margaret and I love you! I know you are right--it is GOOD he's starting to think for himself. For some reason it caught me by surprise, though. I guess I was thinking my kids were just going to keep on forever believing everything I tell them is true just because I say it's true!

Oh, and what in the world is a hayseed? Though, I gather I shouldn't want my kids to grow up to be one?

Margaret said...

hayseed- an unsophisticated person from a rural area; yokel; hick ;-)

Kati said...

So, considering we live in GORDON......DARKE COUNTY, I guess that means I'm going to have to work EXTRA HARD to keep from raising hayseeds?! I guess we'll keep working hard at the grammar.

Butt dont chu wury, we can spel reel good heer in hik cuntree!

Anonymous said...

kati - you cracked me up with that last comment!

it has been so cool to read your thoughts, desires and yearnings - things i never new about you in school. margaret gave you very sound advice and encouragement, though i understand those moments of fear with our children. i've been through them, too, and i've even stooped so low as to remind God (rather impatiently) that they are ultimately HIS responsibility so i need him to help out here :{

so anyway, keep praying, keep talking and keep living out your faith :)