Saturday, May 24, 2008

Whatever It Takes

This will be a bit different than any of my previous posts. I've hesitated to write about "household" issues, just because it seems it would be a bit boring coming from me. I'm not full of wit nor do I find it very easy to write things in a new or clever way. But some things speak for themselves............

Recently we've started noticing "new" odors coming from our oldest child. Yes, you guessed it--Body Odor--the kind coming from the armpit area. It appears our little boy is growing up in more ways than one! With much reluctance, I've accepted this new step and purchased him his own stick of deodorant. Now comes the hard part--getting him to remember to actually put the stuff on everyday!! So far, he hasn't YET remembered to put it on in the morning. First we tried explaining to him the importance of smelling fresh. Then we tried scaring him by telling him he won't have any friends because no one will want to be around him. None of this has seemed to phase him. Finally, I just put down a good old-fashioned THREAT. I told him this morning, (as I recall my exact words), "Do WHATEVER you have to, Isaac, to remember to put that stuff on every morning." Then I proceeded to lay out a few potential courses of punishment in the event that he STILL can't remember. (Hey, desperate times......)

I've gotta hand it to the poor little guy--he's trying. I couldn't resist but to take a picture of the "solution" he came up with today--his stick of Arm&Hammer deodorant hanging from duct tape which is firmly secured to the ceiling above his top bunk. Hopefully this will help him remember, though I'm curious as to HOW he's planning on putting it on--whether he's going to unwrap the whole stick from the duct tape every time, or whether he's going to actually just stick his armpit up there and rub it on while its hanging in mid-air!


Margaret said... said, "do WHATEVER it takes...", right? Quite ingenious, if you ask me. lol

Anonymous said...

if only he were really interested in girls.....that's what made my boys start grooming themselves a little better :)

Charity said...

That's hilarious, Kati! duct tape is wonderful stuff - without it, rachel's backpack would no longer be holding her books, and Danny's mowing shoes would be soulless.

hats off to isaac for creativity!

Kati said...

I am glad to say that for the last TWO DAYS, he's remembered!!!! It was kind of funny that Sunday night, as Matt and the kids were tent camping in the backyard, Isaac was very concerned as to HOW he was going to get his deodorant attached to the ceiling of the tent!!!

Oh yeah, and I've been wondering when do they get to the point when you don't have to remind them anymore to take a shower, and so forth? So it all revolves around the interest in GIRLS, Dee??? I don't know if that's a trade I wanna make.

Chris said...

Kati,I found you....

Tell him to be a race car driver and make a PIT stop everyday.

Kati said...

Chris--You should get a big clown picture as your signature when you leave blogger comments.

Oh wait, you alread did that.

You make me laugh!

Jessi said...

Kati, you NEED to post blogs like this. I need all the parenting help i might be able to learn from these experiences... by they way that was absolutely hillarious! wait...did i spell hillarious right? it's just going to stay that way, because i don't have time for Merriam right now. Great blog!