Monday, December 29, 2008


My sister-in-law's mother, Mandy Cover, passed away on Christmas Eve morning, at the age of 56. Yesterday we spent the afternoon at the funeral home, watching over the children as my brother and sis-in-law visited with family and friends. The "feel" of the day was a joyful one, as we know Mandy sees Jesus face-to-face today. She had loved and followed Him for many years. What a joy to explain to our children that she isn't residing in that shell of a body anymore...

*May I just make a request here: I'd like lots of children at my funeral. They accept death quite well and ask things like, "Why are people crying if she's with Jesus right now?" Also, they run around and make noise and just be themselves. They do well to lighten the mood at a funeral and put things in perspective.

Please pray for my sis-in-law, Angie. She is only 34 and now without both of her parents. I can't count how many times I heard her say yesterday, "I just never expected to be without my mom this early in life." (Her dad died when she was 19.) She is trusting in Christ to get her through, but it is hard.


Margaret said...

praying for all of them...

Diana said...

Kati - I hope you will pass along the prayers and sympathies from your friends to them! It will make Christmas a bittersweet time for them I'm sure. Praying that they can feel heaven so close that they can only be happy that she is there!! I also pray that you are able to be there as she needs someone to lean on in the days and weeks to come!