Monday, December 22, 2008

Waiting on birth, waiting on death

One of my dearest friends sits at home right now, waiting (as patiently as one possibly can) on the birth of her first baby. The plan is that she'll call me when she goes into labor and I'll be able to be with her and her husband as their baby is delivered. That's "our" plan, anyways. What an honor to be invited in on such an event! My heart flutters with nervous excitement every time the phone rings. It could be today, it could be several more days, only God knows.

While at this very moment, my brother and sister-in-law are at their home, waiting on her mother to die. She lays in a hospital bed in their home, cared for by her own daughter and Hospice nurses, as her body continues the process of shutting down. It hurts to watch people you love hurt. I cringe every time the phone rings. It could be today, it may be several more days, only God knows.

What a strange mix of emotions. What a strange space to be in; caught between a pending birth and a pending death. My comfort remains that my Lord holds all of His creation in the very palm of His hand.

"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven: a time to be born and a time to die...He has made everything beautiful in its time." Ecclesiastes 3:1-2a, 11a


JanAl said...

I don't know what to say. I do know that God is in control. I pray right now that in both these situations, God will be Glorified, and that you will be given wisdom and strength as you share these events with both these families.

Rod and Sara said...

Praise the LORD;
He is Soveriegn
and perfect in His timing.

JanAl said...

Hey, you got your colors to work! Yeah!

Kati said...

Thanks to Charity, who also doesn't have the little "T" and was able to give me directions on how to do it a different way.