Saturday, January 10, 2009

Worthy Reading/Watching

Not really having anything noteworthy myself to blog about, I'll just pass on something today that touched me deeply. I know some of you have kept up on Angie Smith's blog (Bring the Rain). If you're at all aware of her story, make sure you check out her latest post, "The Mourning and the Dancing". The link is on my sidebar if you need it.


JanAl said...

the video was sweet...I needed to relieve some water pressure inside me... :}

marilyn66 said...

I had not been following this story but had heard bits and pieces of it. What a story! I'm with JanAl, the spigots were running! I found the original posting of the diagnosis day too. This story is VERY similar to a book written by Karen Kingsbury, written BEFORE this real families situation. Thanks for sharing it, Kati!