Saturday, October 4, 2008

Gabriel Benjamin 10/04/04

Four years ago today God gave us an unexpected little blue bundle. "Unexpected", because he was the only of our children we didn't "plan". Although there was not a moment when he wasn't "wanted". I loved him from the moment I knew about him. "Unexpected", also, because he was the only of our children who wasn't born healthy. Since most of my readers (I think I have a huge following of...........eight?) didn't know us back in the day, I'm posting a few pictures below to let you in on some of what you've missed of our Gabe.

Although by far the easiest labor and delivery of my three, that's where "easy" ended with Gabe, as it seems since then everything else has been harder, beginning shortly after birth. Then during his entire first year we had him in and out of the doc's office with all kinds of respiratory problems. To top it all off, he decided at about 6 months that a bottle nipple was his enemy, so until he was weaned he and I spent very little time apart.

His temperament is, well, PASSIONATE. (It's his birthday so I'll put a positive spin on it! :) When he's happy, he's ECSTATIC!! When he's angry, he is LIVID MAD! When he wants to be alone, by all means, LEAVE THE CHILD ALONE! But when he wants to cuddle, he is a TOTAL MUSH! One day, (I am sure of it) God will use this passion for His glory! We are so thankful for Gabe. And for as much as this road has been a challenge, all the more has it been a joy. (Listen to me talking like he's turning 18 or something!)

We spent Gabe's first five days of life at Children's in Dayton. Shortly after he was born at Wayne, his breathing became very labored and they feared pneumonia. It turned out his lungs were just slightly immature. ( Born at 38 weeks, this was a bit of a mystery?) But the experience, especially in the first 24 hours of "not knowing", surely taught us something about putting our baby in His hands. It was a hard time.

At about 4 weeks. We're so glad he's since grown into his nostrils.

At about 7 months.

Absolutely, positively, nothing sweeter.

Sometimes it's a joy when they tug at your pants.

Other times, not so much.

At age 2, we tried everything to keep the child out of stuff.

What's strange here is that Gabe doesn't yet know how to write letters. HMMMM?

The big accomplishment of this summer was Gabe's learning to ride his bike without training wheels!! But do you think I have a picture of him on the bike? Well, a picture of him wearing his helmet on the toilet is just as good, right?

I absolutely LOVE his smile!!! Happy birthday, my Gaby Baby!


JanAl said...

Praise God for Gabe!
He is beautiful!
Hey, did the duct tape work?
I have two that need some restraint. I tried taping mouths before, but slober makes it impossible to stick, and they just find it funny!

brother_barabbas said... were really up posting pics on your blog at 5am? Wow, you need a few more chillun's to keep you exhausted. j/k

Happy Day, Gabe. (and parents)

Diana said...

Oh my goodness, he is no baby anymore is he? What a handsome little man! Happy birthday!

Margaret said... incredibly sweet. even though I can't always get Gabe to talk with me, I can usually bring out a shy smile. He's so sweet! Happy Birthday, Gabe! :)

Kati said...

Janal~the duct tape worked only for as long as Gabe thought it was fun, then I decided we'd better remove it before children's services showed up at our door :) Made for a cute picture anyways.

Brother b~you know, I think blogger is on CA time because I was NOT posting at 5am this morning! And NO, God and I have discussed it, and I DO NOT need any more chilluns!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I have to laugh at your comment that "God and I discussed it..." I wonder who did most of the talking... :)

Gabe looks to be the spittin' image of his daddy. whose personality does he share????

Kati said...

Let's just say I gave God my opinion. Ultimately, though, I know its in His hands. If he ultimately decides to give us more "chilluns", He'll obviously have to do a mighty work in my heart. Of course, He is able.

Honestly, Gabe's personality--I am still trying to completely figure him out. He does not appear to have qualities that come straight from Matt or me. Maybe one of us down the line had a fiery great-great grandpa or something?

Nicole Marie said...

Happy Birthday Gabe!!
Just so you know he was an absolute joy to take care of the other night. he was sweet and sensitive, and funny, and just a little bit of everything. Anyways he made me laugh!!

Charity said...

Sooo . . . . I'm thinking Gabe's beautifully painted toe nails may have something to say about the identity of his "arm artist"?

I love the pictures, kati. the way you describe gabe reminds me of malachi - down to the pants-grabbing thing. maybe you're right: it's an october thing!

Kati said...

Perhaps one daughter of mine may have a future in the pedicure industry. Or the tattoo industry?

It is amazing that Gabe will sit still to let her paint his toenails, yet I can't get him to sit still long enough to tie his shoes.