Friday, October 31, 2008

Erin Nichole 10/31/02

By three months, we were beginning to wonder if there was some Sumo Wrestler in our bloodline.

One of my favorite pictures ever--around 9 months.

1 year

About 21 months

Erin didn't think it was so fun "being pregnant" either. (Mommy was very pregnant at the time.)

2 years. This was my favorite age. Yes, really!! She was as fun a two-year-old as I could have asked for! Obedient, happy, healthy--and hadn't developed an attitude yet!

On her third birthday.

Taken before her first "date" with daddy. Age 4

With cousin, Sadie. Erin is totally "in her element" in dress-up clothes. It is no exeggeration to say she spends as much, if not more, time in dress-ups than in her regular clothes. She is a girly girl, a princess at heart.

She can also hold her own playing with the boys. She's had to compromise at times and play cops and robbers, cowboys and indians, and such--since the boys aren't always willing to play princesses with her.

She is an absolute mother hen to her little brother. She takes care of him, literally leads him around the house sometimes, entertains him with tea parties, reads books to him, babies him when he's hurt, and above all, takes her responsibility of super-tattle-tale-big-sister VERY seriously!

I loved having her hair long, for a time. Any of you who know me, though, know that I am anything but high-maintenance. The long hair required too much attention on my part and most of it came off this summer.

I simply love this little girl. When at times I feel completely overwhelmed and incapable as a mother, she will come up to me, wrap her arms around my legs, and tell me how she loves me!! She can be so sweet at times that I feel like I just want to eat her up! She can also be extremely over-dramatic, oh-so emotional, whiniest of the whiny, and irritatingly habitual. (She spends literally 10 minutes at bedtime each night arranging her boatload of animals and dolls on her bed in JUST the right way.) She is overall very obedient, compliant, and sensible. However sometimes she surprises me with a lapse in judgment. (You all remember a certain hair-cutting incident not so long ago!) I suppose without these incidents, I might tend to favor her over the boys. So I guess God allows her just enough senselessness to prevent that!

I have thanked God many times that He chose to give us only one girl. For one, I'm not sure I could handle any more emotion in the house. But also, I love that she's my only one because it's almost like we have a little secret "girl-bond", just the two of us. Sometimes we just understand each other--when all the boys can do is look at us and roll their eyes.

Happy birthday, my sweet girl!


Rod and Sara said...

So sweet! You have a darling little girl, Kati.
I just LOVE the hugs she is so willing to give =)

Diana said...

What a cutie she is. I cracked up over the sumo wrestler comment :) She is growing up to be beautiful. I also remember that soft, obedient smile and excitement to learn the Bible stories in Hand & Hand - was it THAT many years ago? Happy birthday to Erin!!

Charity said...

What a sweet post, Kati - and really cute pictures. Except for the sumo wrestling pics, she looks just the same in all of them - you can totally tell it's her even in the first shot!

JanAl said...

Love the pics. She is toooo cute! We also had a couple sumo babies.
Erin's sweet little comment this summer sill makes me laugh! While I was playing volleyball, I hear this sweet, precious little voice behind me: Mrs. Livingston, Mrs. Livingston.... Your'e not very good at volleyball!
Love it!
She is tooo cute!

Kati said...

Yes, Erin has the "gift" of blunt honesty. We're going to have to work on the "truth AND love" thing!

Margaret said...

Happy belated birthday, Erin! I love her hair in the 2-yr. pic.

Chris said...

I still get teary when I think of the ice cream story. She is a very sweet girl.